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CUM ADDICTION INTERVENTION Teen Begs step Brother For Double Creampie To Feed Her Cum Addiction SCENE OPENS on girlfriend and boyfriend Carla Athena Faris and Rich Codey Steele They are in each others arms on Carlas bed chatting and laughing They start to makeout and before long things are pretty hot and heavy As they kiss Rich squeezes Carlas tits As he moves his hand between her legs he starts to rub her pussy over her pants but she gently pulls his hand away and breaks the kiss Sheshes not sure if shesready she says softly REALLY Rich asks clearly disappointed Yeahsheshe told him that she wanted to take things slow Carla says Yeah buttheres slow and then theres SLOW Rich says visibly annoyed Weve been together for six months now Were BOTH 18 sowhats going on Dont you want to be with me Rich says playing the victim a little No thats not it of COURSE she wants to be with him Carla says seemingly worried that shes upset him So whats stopping us then Lets be brave and go for it Rich says with a lusty grin He resumes kissing her and gets handsy again almost immediately Butbut what about her stepbrother Hes home and he might hear them Carla points out worried Well theyll just have to be quiet then he responds She hesitates OK he asks She still seems a little reluctant but clearly wants to please her boyfriend Ok she smiles nervously taking a deep Rich and Carla have sex She begins it nervously since it is her first time being with him but as she grows to enjoy it her skittishness falls away As the sex winds down Rich is telling Carla how much he loves her and announces that hes going to cum any moment She tells him to pull out but as he continues thrusting he says hes getting close She protests telling him that shes never done that before but he pressures her telling her that it will bring them closer together Please Im so close She still seems reluctant but again wanting to please him she falls prey to her own guilt and hesitantly says Ook yeah allowing him to creampie her He moans loudly as he cums When he leaves the room she is fascinated by the cum dripping from her pussy When she tentatively tastes it its as if she has an epiphany and is transfixed by the feeling and taste of cum She exhales a huge trying to get herself under control as she es rapidly staring off into space as if she is reborn CUT TO TITLE Weeks later Carla sneaks into the house late at night No longer sweet and virginal she is disheveled and seems like shes been partying all night She goes into her bathroom and takes a shower Zombielike she dips her fingers in her pussy and licks what appears to be cum off them As she showers her stepbrother Toby Robby Echo enters the washroom When she steps out of the shower he desperately tells her that he needs to talk to her about something Toby tells her that shes changed drastically in the past few weeks going from sweetnatured and happy to a walking zombie who sneaks home late every night It becomes clear that Carla has been sleeping with random men each night Toby is worried and wants to help Awwwwww Mr Nice Guy Toby just wants to help his poor messedup stepsister Carla she says mockingly Give me a fucking break she says rolling her eyes with a meanspirited laugh Please Carla Toby begins You know what I think I dont think you want to help I think that you came in here because youre jealous Carla says moving towards Toby What is she Toby says She thinks hes jealous of ALL those guys that she fucks Carla grins wickedly Why is she SAYING these things Toby pleads sounding very distressed That IS it isnt it Carla says moving closer still to Toby Hes jealous of all those guysbecause thats all hes EVER wanted isnt it she asks To get a little taste for himself she adds tauntingly Nno of COURSE not He would never even CONSIDERToby says appalled at the suggestion Dont worry you can be honest We tell each other EVERYTHING right Thats what step brothers and step sisters are SUPPOSED to do Carla says caressing his arm He pulls away but she seems to have struck a chord because his gaze lingers on her for a moment He denies her accusation Hungry for more cum she begins to aggressively seduce him You want to FUCK me You want toFILL ME UP she says a crazed look coming over her face as she caresses his arm pressing her body against his No shes wrong Toby says fiercely struggling valiantly to resist Y dont know WHAT I want Toby stammers Yeahshe DOESshe KNOWS that he wantsto give her all hisshe begins trailing her hand down his chest HotStickyCUM she whispers fiercely licking her lips hungrily Carlahe stutters his resistance nearly gone Well GIVE it to her thengive her EVERY last drop she says her voice thick with need Finally any last semblance of hesitance from Toby is gone Ok he says softly Carla is addicted to cum and shes going to feed that addictionno matter what
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